Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reading #11

Scott Greiger
pages 150-155

After reading about Scott Greiger, his attitude towards society really interests me, as well as his artistic approach. First, it states that Scott is an image collector, not an image inventor. What they mean by that is throughout his day he is exposed to different media and design elements that stand out to him and they stick with him. I can relate to that because that always happens to me too. If I see something visually pleasing in my opinion that image will stick with me and down the road will influence a piece of work. Next, he states that he is against the vocabulary of corporatization. “You are required to adapt your activities and thinking to what is available.” That is a great statement in my opinion. Because I feel there is so much more out there and so much more you can be creative with that is not presented in front of you.  I enjoy Scotts approach to artwork trying to get society to think outside the box and go beyond what they are accustomed to thinking.

Inspirational Artwork

New Work

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